For Parents





Dear Parents,

We are so excited that you’re here.

Discover the simple process that guarantees your child’s consistent academic success, offering effortless learning for A-level excellence, ensuring top-tier admissions, and triumph in studies, all while alleviating the uncertainties of their educational journey.

Attaining an A*/A grade not only opens doors to a higher-paying first job but also paves the way for landing a dream career that aligns with personal passion and aspirations. Furthermore, this academic achievement significantly enhances the likelihood of long-term success, elevating one’s earning potential in the professional journey ahead. We help your child achieve an A*/A effortlessly which will set them up for life.

Amid the stress that every student faces, managing homework, university tasks, and exams, the pressure can become overwhelming. Whether it’s inadequate teaching or a struggle in learning, the challenge is real.

Recognizing that every parent values their child’s education immensely, our solution has proven its effectiveness, with over 300 students achieving a two-grade jump in just 12 weeks. That’s the assurance that our solution not only works but excels in transforming academic outcomes.

With our process, you won’t have to worry about your child revising last minute, being constantly stressed out, or having low confidence (fear of failure).

The process works for any chemistry A-level student.. anywhere in the world… looking to achieve an A*/A in their exams.

This solution is perfect for you.


I Would Like Academic Success For My Child, Acquire An A*/A Grade, And Secure a Place In Top Medical Schools/Universities

For The Parents Of A-level Chemistry Students!

Discover Our Proven 12-Week

Transformative Journey That Guarantees Your Teen Jumps 2 Grades, Unlocking The
Doors To Top Medical Schools.

Chemistry Practical

Let me ask you a few quick questions:

Are you tired of your child struggling with A-level chemistry?

Wouldn’t it be rewarding for your child to achieve an A*/A grade, leading to a higher-paying first job, bringing tangible rewards for your child’s academic dedication?

Wouldn’t it be gratifying for your child to land their dream job with an A*/A grade, ensuring profound job satisfaction?

Wouldn’t it be empowering for your child to secure an A*/A grade, elevating their earning potential and ensuring long-term success in their professional journey?

Wouldn’t it be fulfilling for your child to attain an A*/A grade, opening doors to dream careers and fostering a purpose-driven professional life?

Wouldn’t it be fulfilling for your child to attain an A*/A grade, opening doors to dream careers and fostering a purpose-driven professional life?

Wouldn’t it be fantastic for your child to pass their exams with ease?

Wouldn’t it be fantastic for your child to pass their exams with ease?

If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, then you need to read this letter carefully… because we are about to show you how to make it all happen.

A letter from our founder

Hello, I’m Erada, the founder of Brashan Chemistry, an online A-level chemistry tutoring service. I hold a B.Sc. in Chemistry, M.Sc. in Organic Chemistry, and a Ph.D. in Electro-organic Synthesis.

Having served as the Head of Chemistry in two Kent grammar schools and Joint Head of Science in another, I successfully led the A2 A* – B grade results to a remarkable rise from 17% to 67% with my first cohort. In my tenure, the results consistently exceeded 93% for both GCSE and A-level chemistry in one grammar school.

Drawing from decades of experience, I have been a Chemistry examiner for OCR A2, Edexcel, and AQA GCSE.

Through my tutoring service, students like Narain have achieved remarkable transformations. Narain improved from a D grade to an A grade within just ten days in my Crash exam preparation program, securing the A grade prediction needed for his UCAS application.

In a moment, I’m going to share the process that will guarantee your child not just academic success but a transformative journey toward achieving the grades they aspire for in A-level chemistry.

Dr Erada Oguntoye
Chemistry Practical Calss

Discover the Path to Academic Excellence

But before I do, let me give you a quick warning:

This Might Not Be For You…

I’ll only share this solution and process with parents who are genuinely serious about their child’s education.

If you want your child to carry on wasting their time and money on ineffective methods of learning, then by all means, continue down that path.

If you want your child to continue grappling with the frustration of uncertain academic outcomes and enduring the pain of lackluster results, then this is not for you.

 If you want your child to keep navigating the maze of educational challenges alone, without tailored support and proven strategies, then this is not for you.

The Problem

From Navigating Academic Uncertainty Alone to Guided Success with Tailored Support –
Transform Your Educational Journey Today!

Living with the constant fear of academic setbacks and the potential impact on your Child’s future opportunities.

Investing time and money in your child’s education without seeing tangible returns or academic improvement.

Employing ineffective study methods that fail to yield tangible results, contributing to academic struggles.

Missing out on personalized support, resulting in unaddressed learning gaps and challenges.


At This Stage, you have 2 options:

Ignore What I’ve Explained Today And Keep Living With Your Current Child’s Struggles With Education

Give Me An Extra 2 Minutes And I’ll Explain How Our Service Can Help Your Child In Just A Short Time.

Benefits of Online Tuition With Us

  • > Structured 12-week renewable courses guaranteeing a two-grade improvement in A-level chemistry.
  • > Small group sessions (max 12 students) led by experienced teachers and examiners.
  • > Lessons integrate focused exam preparation, ensuring readiness for success.
  • > Targeted assistance for identified students, guaranteeing no one is left behind.
  • > All lessons recorded, allowing flexible revision and reinforcement of understanding.
  • > Weekly sessions addressing specific challenges, reinforcing understanding, and clarifying doubts.
  • > Constant support via WhatsApp for questions and concerns, extending beyond regular hours.
  • > Complex topics broken down with real-world examples to boost student confidence.
  • > Charges based on guaranteed results, focusing on achieving An A*/A grade.
  • > Strategic emphasis on exam preparation during crucial exam seasons.
  • > Dr. Erada Oguntoye, founder with a B.Sc. in Chemistry, M.Sc. in Organic Chemistry, and a Ph.D. in Electro-organic Synthesis.
  • > Head of Chemistry in grammar schools, achieving significant grade improvements and consistently high results.
  • > Over a decade of experience as a Chemistry examiner for OCR A2 and GCSE Edexcel and AQA exam boards.
  • > Personalized success stories, like Narain’s transformation from a D to an A grade in just 10 days.
  • > Specialized Crash exam preparation programs, ensuring swift and effective grade improvements.
  • > Guidance not just on exams but on overall academic success, fostering a well-rounded educational journey.
  • > Guidance on securing admission to top-tier medical schools and universities.
  • > Joining a supportive community, where academic success is a shared goal.
  • > Future-driven learning – Preparing students for a future of limitless possibilities through academic excellence.
Brashan Chemistry Banner


I Would Like Academic Success for My Child, Acquire An A*/A Grade, And Secure a Place In Top Medical Schools/Universities


Imagine seamlessly addressing learning gaps and challenges with our focused, individualized 1-1 support.

Imagine unwavering confidence when it comes to examinations.

Imagine a journey of consistent academic triumph, setting the stage for a successful future.

Imagine getting an A*/A at the end of year 13.

Imagine banishing exam stress with strategic preparation methods designed for success.

Redefine your child’s educational journey, unlock academic excellence but also opens doors to a world of limitless possibilities, shaping a future of unparalleled success and Achievement!